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Grouping, filtering and sorting issue in SCSM 2010 SP1 after CU2 for enums

Grouping, filtering and sorting issue in SCSM 2010 SP1 after CU2 for enums published on No Comments on Grouping, filtering and sorting issue in SCSM 2010 SP1 after CU2 for enums

imageMicrosoft try to improve performance for SCSM 2010 with different way. One of that way – use ordinal data instead of string data in console. But that change in data also make change in enum columns too: when you try to sort, group of search at enum columns the result is very strange at first look – instead of strings (like “High”, “Medium” or “Low” and so on) you see the digits. Why and how to change that?

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Run SMLets’s cmdlets from remote server

Run SMLets’s cmdlets from remote server published on 1 Comment on Run SMLets’s cmdlets from remote server


Many cmlets from SMLets module has the –ServerName or –SCSMSession parameters. The first of them never worked (rise the error), with second you must use session’s variable each time then execute the command and not all of the cmdlets support this pararmeter. But the SMLets has the solution to run all cmdlets again server which are differ from localhost.

To do that you must set the $smdefaultcomputer variable before import SMLets module. So your script must be something like that:

$smdefaultcomputer = "SCSMSERVER"
import-module SMLets
# Put here any SCSM's cmdlet

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