If you saw the “This item cannot be updated because it has been changed by another user or process. To update the item, please close the item and open it again” exception then you know all that PAIN what filling engineers who implementing SCSM. But now we have THE SOLUTION.
Posts tagged SCSM 2012 R2
SCSM 2012 R2 UR3 released
It’s here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2962041/en-us
Please read installation instruction carefully (especially “Before Installation” and “After Installation” sections)!!!
List of fixes:
- The Microsoft Systems Center 2012 Operations Manager configuration item (CI) connector does not retrieve disk mount point information for the Service Manager database.
- When a service request is created from a request offering in the console and when every user prompt is of the Simple List prompt type, the console shows options from all simple lists in each user prompt.
- When you try to close a customized change request, you cannot close the change request, the task throws an error, and the close is not actioned.
- MPSync job failures that are logged to the event log do not contain enough information to allow for a quick diagnosis of the problem.
- All Service Manager workflows may stall when any invalid XML characters (control characters) are used in a work item property.
- Using the “Set First Response or Comment” task in a service request creates a “Private” flag that cannot be used for evaluation in a notification action log or a user comment update. This behavior occurs because the private flag is undefined.
- If the configuration management database (CMDB) is down (that is, if it is offline or unable to connect because of network issues) at the time that the Health service is restarted and if the CMDB continues to be offline for a long time, the Health service may enter an unrecoverable state even if the database comes online again later.
- Configuration Manager Connector synchronization may stop after Update Rollup 2 for Service Manager 2012 SP1 or Update Rollup 6 for Service Manager 2012 R2 is applied. This issue occurs when the connector tries to synchronize malformed or incomplete software version information from the Configuration Manager database.
Please note: there are NO updates for SCSM 2012 SP1 available.
ATTENTION!! Do not install UR2 for SCSM 2012 R2 if you have active SCCM connectors
UPDATED 18.05.2014: Official information from Microsoft and workaround
More info here:
*** NOTE if you’re using SCCM Connector to synchronize data between SM and CM, do not install this Update Rollup (UR). We have discovered a regression in the UR payload which prevents the SCCM connector from successfully synchronizing in some cases. We expect a hotfix and / or the relevant documentation addressing this issue to be available very soon. Stay tuned for more information ***
Installation of the SCSM 2012 R2 UR2 on DW failed with _PatchMP exception
Small note about how is helpful can be careful reading of the KB articles before do something. If you try to install SCSM 2012 R2 UR2 to unregistered SCSM DW you will get an error:
An error occurred while executing a custom action:_PatchMP
In log file you can find:
PatchMP: No Mp with MP Name ServiceManager.ServiceRequest.Library to patch, so failing in the MP patching
The reason is simple: have to read KB article. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2904710/en-us :
Before you install the update, read the following instructions:
- Exit all Service Manager-related applications before you apply this update rollup. For example, exit the Service Manager console, the Self-Service Portal links, and the authoring tool.
- Make sure that the Service Manager data warehouse server is successfully synchronized with the Service Manager management server at least one time. For more information, see Registering with the Service Manager data warehouse to enable reporting (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh914224.aspx)
So, you CAN’T install UR2 on unregistered DW.
Thanks to Stanislav for pointing me to KB.
List of fixed bugs in SCSM 2012 R2 RTM
This is list of fixed bug in SCSM 2012 R2 RTM. The list contains bugs founded in SCSM 2012 SP1 and SCSM 2012 R2 Preview.
Please note: this is not an official list of fixed bugs.