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SMLets at PowerShell Gallery!

SMLets at PowerShell Gallery! published on 7 Comments on SMLets at PowerShell Gallery!

Hi folks! I have a very good news for you. If you never heard about PowerShell Gallery then it great moment to look at and learn about this cool feature because SMLets is now available at PowerShell Gallery.

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Generate link to specified request offering or to Generic Request

Generate link to specified request offering or to Generic Request published on No Comments on Generate link to specified request offering or to Generic Request

This article describe how to generate link to specified request offering or to Generic Request on the Self-Service Portal. This can be helpful in email massages or on the custom portals\external systems. To do that you should complete two steps: get IDs of the Service Request and Request offering and generate link.

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Configure SMLets Beta 4 for working with Orchestrator

Configure SMLets Beta 4 for working with Orchestrator published on 9 Comments on Configure SMLets Beta 4 for working with Orchestrator

Today is XXI century and time of x64 systems. But not all of  products ready to this. As example – System Center 2012 Orchestrator. If someone miss last few month and didn’t know that I’m talking about then it will be surprise: all process inside System Center 2012 Orchestrator running as x86 process. And this is can be really the problem because registry and file paths for x64 and x86 are different.

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Install SMLets on server without SCSM console

Install SMLets on server without SCSM console published on 5 Comments on Install SMLets on server without SCSM console

SMLets module required to be installed on computer with SCSM console, also you must copy  Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Core.dll from SCSM server. But this requirement can be avoided by several simple steps. And this post describe how to do that.

Installing SMLets on separated server can be helpful on several scenarios, like Opalis\Orchestrator server or some server which must communicate with SCSM using PowerShell.

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Run SMLets’s cmdlets from remote server

Run SMLets’s cmdlets from remote server published on 1 Comment on Run SMLets’s cmdlets from remote server


Many cmlets from SMLets module has the –ServerName or –SCSMSession parameters. The first of them never worked (rise the error), with second you must use session’s variable each time then execute the command and not all of the cmdlets support this pararmeter. But the SMLets has the solution to run all cmdlets again server which are differ from localhost.

To do that you must set the $smdefaultcomputer variable before import SMLets module. So your script must be something like that:

$smdefaultcomputer = "SCSMSERVER"
import-module SMLets
# Put here any SCSM's cmdlet

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