If you already read my blog posts about SLA in SCSM 2012 (Object model, How it’s works and “Hidden” features and “pausing” SLA) then you know what SLA process in SCSM 2012 is really complex and depend from many internal features of the SCSM. We are working in IT and know what sometime a things can work wrong even if no one touch it (or touch but don’t want to talk about this). This article is attempt to summaries information about issues with SLA in SCSM 2012 and how to troubleshoot them and solve.
Posts tagged SLA
SLA in SCSM 2012. Part 3. “Hidden” features and “pausing” SLA
In last two articles of SLA series I was wrote about storing of the SLA objects and describe how it’s works.Today it’s time to talk about some “hidden” features of the SLA management system in SCSM 2012. Most of this features are available out-of-box and supported by Microsoft but some of them are not.
Continue reading SLA in SCSM 2012. Part 3. “Hidden” features and “pausing” SLA
SLA in SCSM 2012. Part 2. How it’s works
In Part 1 of this series I described objects model required for SLA management system in SCSM 2012. Now it’s time to figured out how all this things works.
SLA in SCSM 2012. Part 1. Object model.
SLA management system in SCSM 2012 is one of the most powerful feature in contrast with SCSM 2010 where we can use only 24/7 SLA. But in this cycle of articles I don’t want to show you to setup SLA management in click-click-next guide. My goal is to show you how SLA management settings are stored, handled and worked. I hope what this will allow you to use all feature of the SLA management system in SCSM 2012.
“Pause” SLA in SCSM 2012: Yes, you can
This is not a technical article but some kind of news. With SLA feature you can create a “rule” how to apply SLA to SCSM’s objects like incidents or service request (or any other object). If you don’t know how to do that please welcome to Rodney’s blogposts series: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.
But many peoples ask the one question: can we pause SLA depend from status or anything else? For example, how to stop SLA timer if status of incident changed to Pending? Before this week all who answer on this question (me too) ask “No, it’s possible”. But in fact you can (but see the note and the end of this article).