The small poll about your experience of using knowledge base in SCSM 2012 (SP1). If you’ve implemented couple of SCSM installations please select the most popular answer in your cases. You can vote here or on right sidebar. Any comment are appreciated.Continue reading Small poll about Knowledge Base in SCSM 2012
Posts from July 2013
AVE 2 Pro: Custom Columns
Using standard columns you can display only values from view’s fields. But what if you want to display some complex information: get values from several fields, format values or display values in with custom control? Using standard view editor this is impossible. But even in out-of-box views you can find examples of custom columns. For instance, “Incidents with Service Level Breached” view contain calculated column “Service Level Target”. This column check all target times from all SLO attached to incident and display the earliest target date.
Advanced View Editor 2 Pro allow you to add custom column. You can create your own custom columns and add it to AVE 2 Pro UI using simple template.
Troubleshooting the SLA in SCSM 2012 (SP1)
If you already read my blog posts about SLA in SCSM 2012 (Object model, How it’s works and “Hidden” features and “pausing” SLA) then you know what SLA process in SCSM 2012 is really complex and depend from many internal features of the SCSM. We are working in IT and know what sometime a things can work wrong even if no one touch it (or touch but don’t want to talk about this). This article is attempt to summaries information about issues with SLA in SCSM 2012 and how to troubleshoot them and solve.
New tool: SCSM Email Template Tester
The SCSM have a great notification engine. And heart of this engine is notification templates. With notification templates you can define text of email message in plain text format or HTML format and insert links to object’s properties. You can use special tags like <group> to define complex table. Also you can define notification text for each language. But to test each template you must send tons of emails. In large environment, with lots of template, this is can be really painful.
How to get CIs updated by specified connector with supported way
As you know when you deleted connector in SCSM all configuration items discovered (or imported) by this connector will also be deleted. But good question is how determinate which CIs will be deleted? This can be done using some SQL queries but this is complex, unsupported way and you must have SQL Management Studio installed. But we have a power of PowerShell and can use it to get this information.
UPDATED: Thanks to Aaron to pointing me to the right direction. Approach below allows you get CIs updated by specified connector. But SCSM stores all connectors for CI object and even if no properties was updated during connector’s sync process, this connector will be added to object. In other words, if you have object that discovered by more than one connector then this object will be removed only if all connectors will be removed.
Continue reading How to get CIs updated by specified connector with supported way
New version of the AVE 2 and Copy View task
The new version of the AVE 2 is available. Version 2.0.1561.42 bring to live two new feature: Copy View task and ability to display information from column with same name but different type in My Work Items View.
With Copy View task you can copy any unsealed view. This feature will be useful if you need to create couple views with almost same settings (for instance views for each support group). Copy View task available on for AVE 2 Pro.
Please check the AVE 2 official page to find more information.