Glad to inform you that new version of the SMLets PowerShell comand lets was released couple days ago.
Posts categoriezed as Development
How to get Guid of management pack element even before import MP to SCSM
Sometime you need to know the internal ID (Guid) of management pack or management pack element before the MP imported to SCSM. This can be done very easy using some T-SQL magic.
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Code snippets for SCSM 2010 SP1 SDK. Part 1.
This article contains code snippets for C# and PowerShell that can be helpful when you work with SCSM 2010 SP1 SDK.
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Create custom UserControl for SCSM 2010 SP1
I’ve already saw many questions on forums about extending SCSM with new forms and\or custom user’s controls. So I wrote this article to show how we can extend SCSM with user control only. As for me, I prefer to use custom control without rewriting entire form because User Control provide excellent ability to change form’s logic and visibility, but they require much less work unlike the creation of new form and replace existing one. Another reason – new version of SCSM, which expected at Q4 2011 – Q1 2012. It’s a very small chance what if you rewrote entire form it will be work with SCSM 2012.
DISCLAIMER. Most of provided solutions are not supported by Microsoft. All information provided AS IS, without any warranties.
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