Small note about how is helpful can be careful reading of the KB articles before do something. If you try to install SCSM 2012 R2 UR2 to unregistered SCSM DW you will get an error:
An error occurred while executing a custom action:_PatchMP
In log file you can find:
PatchMP: No Mp with MP Name ServiceManager.ServiceRequest.Library to patch, so failing in the MP patching
The reason is simple: have to read KB article. :
Before you install the update, read the following instructions:
- Exit all Service Manager-related applications before you apply this update rollup. For example, exit the Service Manager console, the Self-Service Portal links, and the authoring tool.
- Make sure that the Service Manager data warehouse server is successfully synchronized with the Service Manager management server at least one time. For more information, see Registering with the Service Manager data warehouse to enable reporting (
So, you CAN’T install UR2 on unregistered DW.
Thanks to Stanislav for pointing me to KB.
RT @scsmru: New blog post: Installation of the #SCSM 2012 R2 UR2 on DW failed with _PatchMP exception Thanks @StanZh…
RT @scsmru: New blog post: Installation of the #SCSM 2012 R2 UR2 on DW failed with _PatchMP exception Thanks @StanZh…
This is a serious problem. In the case of a disaster recovery. If you need to install a new DW. You will not be able to update your DW server before registering it to CMDB….. so you will be registering an R2 DW version to an upgraded CMDB……
If you read carefully in KB instructions: The first server to be upgraded is DW Management server….. so this is like a dead end….
This applies to CU2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9……
I think we need a service pack here……