All views created inside SCSM are stored in management pack. The best practice is separate type settings (like class, relationship etc.), forms and data available in console (like lists, templates and views). But very often all that settings are saved in one management pack. And when you try to edit such management pack using Authoring Tool you can be in trouble because Authoring Tool require loaded all sealed management packs which referenced from management pack which is editing.
If you edit view with AVE then it insert reference to sealed management pack with console tasks (Edit View etc.). As result when you try to open unsealed management pack with view created with AVE using the Authoring Tool you’ll get the error:
Could not load management pack [ID=FreemanRU,SCSMAdvancedviewEditor, KeyToken=07ccc801312057aa, Version=1 .3.6555.32]. The management pack was not found in the store.
Unfortunately there is no easy way to extract sealed management pack from MPB file. So I’ve decide to share MP files for SCSM 2010 and SCSM 2012 to make possible edit management pack using Authoring Tool. NOTE.You still must import MPB file to SCSM. MP file required only for Authoring Tool.
You must copy appropriated file at “c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft System Center\Service Manager 2010 Authoring\Library\” for SCSM 2010 or at “c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft System Center 2012\Service Manager Authoring\Library\” for SCSM 2012 respectively.
Links to MP files by version:
AVE 1.3.6555.35 MP (SCSM 2010 SP1)
AVE 2.0.1561.15 MP (SCSM 2012 RTM)
is there any documentation how to use your tool for column name changes in incident views?
Thank you.
No (yet). But you can watch video on the youtube.
The links to the MP files do not seem to be working for me – HTTP 404 errors.
Links to MP files by version:
AVE 1.3.6555.35 MP (SCSM 2010 SP1)
AVE 2.0.1561.15 MP (SCSM 2012 RTM)
Fixed. Thank you for notice.
Thanks for updated the locations. I have downloaded AVE 2.0.1561.15 MP so that I can load it when the Authoring tool throws the warning displayed in your blog. However, I have version 2.0.1561.24. Do you have an MP file for this version?
Do you have the AVE mp files for versions
to enable authoring of Management Packs
[…] I mention before, to edit management pack with views created by AVE you need to download the MP file. I have been […]
The links to the MP files appear to be dead – HTTP 404 errors.
AVE 1.3.6555.35 MP (SCSM 2010 SP1)
AVE 2.0.1561.15 MP (SCSM 2012 RTM)