The good news: Advanced View Editor 2.0 for SCSM 2012 will be available at the end of this week. The bad news: will be available two different versions: free (Free Edition) and paid (Pro Edition). Get more information below.
Advanced View Editor 2.0 almost complete and free version will be shared on TechNET Gallery at 01.05.2012. For new users: Advanced View Editor is a tool which allows you to create and edit views and folder and change almost all settings for them:
- Choose the image for new views or folders
- Build view criteria with standard builder or by edit XML code directly without import\export management pack
- Insert code snippets for XML criteria (expressions, enums, aliases, object’s properties and so on)
- Change order of the columns
- Change display name and width of the columns
- Change display format (for datetime and enums columns)
- Get data as Big Int (for sorting purposes)
- Create folder and view at any part of the console
- Create views with web content
What’s new for v. 2.0 Free Edition:
- Support for SCSM 2012 . SCSM 2010 is not supported, please use v. 1.3 for it.
- Interface for column picker is redesigned
- Support for columns with advanced markup (like “Service Level Target” in “Incidents with Service Level Breached” view). For you this means support for any types of columns.
- Internal engine was redesigned to increase performance
- Code snippets for XML criteria available only for Pro version
- Upgrade from 1.3 to 2.0 is supported
- Ability to view settings for view at sealed management packs
What’s new for v. 2.0 Pro Edition:
- Code snippets for XML criteria
- Ability to add columns with advanced markup. This functionality allow you to add columns like “Service Level Target” in “Incidents with Service Level Breached” view. But also you can use any markup without necessary to edit XML code. For example, you can add columns like this. For developers will be added ability to add custom columns.
- Ability to add columns with multi-valued objects. For example, you can add view for incidents and display all assigned SLO for each incidents. More information will be soon.
- Ability to change additional view’s settings like “Show only for administrators” and other.
Pro version will be available later.
Hash tag for Advanced View Editor: #aveforscsm
UPDATE: Advanced View Editor 2.0 for SCSM 2012 Free Edition is available on TechNet Gallery.
Thanks for the nice sharing.
I have one question regarding the scsm 2012.
can i change the language and layout of the existing web portal without changing the logic of scsm 2012.
you know, i have deployed scsm 2012 portal at my local IIS. i need to change the english into arabic.
is this tool helpful to do that.
please reply me immediately.
Thank you in advance.
When will the tool be available?
Pro version – As soon as it will ready )
and the light Version without Support? Cannot find a link for the download.
Post updated with link to TechNet Gallery.
when the possibility to come this tool…
Hey, when do you plan to release the Pro-version?
Release date will be availible soon. Beta-testing in progress.
Hi Anton, the free version has the auto-refresh option but it doesn’t work and throws and error in the console at every refresh interval. Is this a Pro-only feature? If so, why it is included in the free version if it doesn’t work and when will the Pro version be available?
“True” Auto-Refresh availible only in Pro version. Free version aloow you to display Refresh bar only.
Is that possible to create all custom views in Dev environment and export all modified MP to production including all those custom views. I tried but it does not work in this way please let me know if this possible, it is very time consuming to create views again and again.
Yes. If you have any problem with import\export please report me on email or throw Feedback form.
Hi FreemanRU,
thanks for quick reply now I am able to import all custom views in Production but it requires a advance view editor to be installed also. Is that possible to export and import only modified MP without requirement of Advanced view editor in another environment. I don’t want to provide advance edit view option in production to others.
Hi Anton,
Is there a release date for the pro version yet? I really need to be able to add things like “Service Level Target” to a view without having to edit any XML!
GA still the same – Q4 2012
[…] […]
[…] do this easily.My fellow MVP colleague Anton Gritsenko is working on a tool called “Advanced View Editor for SCSM 2012” which will allow you to create a view to display the email addresses in a column. At this point […]
[…] fellow MVP colleague Anton Gritsenko is working on a tool called “Advanced View Editor for SCSM 2012” which will allow you to create a view to display the email addresses in a column. At this point […]
[…] fellow MVP colleague Anton Gritsenko is working on a tool called “Advanced View Editor for SCSM 2012” which will allow you to create a view to display the email addresses in a column. At this point […]