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AVE: New version of the Advanced View Editor for SCSM 2012 is available

AVE: New version of the Advanced View Editor for SCSM 2012 is available published on 1 Comment on AVE: New version of the Advanced View Editor for SCSM 2012 is available

New version of the Advanced View Editor fro SCSM 2012 is available on TechNet Gallery. Current version number: 2.0.1561.24.

Fixed bugs:

Bug with date\time format for US UI settings and non-US regional settings
Exception raised if “check new data and display refresh bar” option is turned on

To fix affected view just open view for edit with new version and save it .

Steps to update management pack:

  1. Download new version from TechNet Gallery
  2. Import downloaded management pack to SCSM

AVE Pro: ‘My Work Items’ view

AVE Pro: ‘My Work Items’ view published on 4 Comments on AVE Pro: ‘My Work Items’ view

One of the most “most voted” feature of the SCSM 2012 is the My Work Items. The problem is what you can create view targeted to WorkItem (or type projections targeted to WorkItem class) but in this case you can use properties only from WorkItem class (and parent classes). But most properties like Status, Categoty and so on are stored in child classes like Incident, ChangeRequest and other.

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“Pause” SLA in SCSM 2012: Yes, you can

“Pause” SLA in SCSM 2012: Yes, you can published on 19 Comments on “Pause” SLA in SCSM 2012: Yes, you can

imageThis is not a technical article but some kind of news. With SLA feature you can create a “rule” how to apply SLA to SCSM’s objects like incidents or service request (or any other object). If you don’t know how to do that please welcome to Rodney’s blogposts series: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.

But many peoples ask the one question: can we pause SLA depend from status or anything else? For example, how to stop SLA timer if status of incident changed to Pending? Before this week all who answer on this question (me too) ask “No, it’s possible”. But in fact you can (but see the note and the end of this article).

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Error “Cannot process extension elements as EnterpriseManagementObject”

Error “Cannot process extension elements as EnterpriseManagementObject” published on No Comments on Error “Cannot process extension elements as EnterpriseManagementObject”

When you create your own code to create new objects inside SCSM then soon or not but you’l get next exception just after calling Commt() method:

Cannot process extension elements as EnterpriseManagementObject. User EnterpriseManagementObjectProjection for all extension element CRUD operations.

What is that and why you get this?

Continue reading Error “Cannot process extension elements as EnterpriseManagementObject”

AVE: Edit management pack with views using Authoring Tool

AVE: Edit management pack with views using Authoring Tool published on 9 Comments on AVE: Edit management pack with views using Authoring Tool

All views created inside SCSM are stored in management pack. The best practice is separate type settings (like class, relationship etc.), forms and data available in console (like lists, templates and views). But very often all that settings are saved in one management pack. And when you try to edit such management pack using Authoring Tool you can be in trouble because Authoring Tool require loaded all sealed management packs which referenced from management pack which is editing.

Continue reading AVE: Edit management pack with views using Authoring Tool

Exception message: Subscription configuration error. Error reading WorkflowParameter element. Error message: WorkflowParameter

Exception message: Subscription configuration error. Error reading WorkflowParameter element. Error message: WorkflowParameter published on 2 Comments on Exception message: Subscription configuration error. Error reading WorkflowParameter element. Error message: WorkflowParameter


You have imported your workflow to the SCSM but it doesn’t work. When you check Operations Manager log you find exception:

Continue reading Exception message: Subscription configuration error. Error reading WorkflowParameter element. Error message: WorkflowParameter

Why my workflow doesn’t listed in Workflow –> Status view

Why my workflow doesn’t listed in Workflow –> Status view published on No Comments on Why my workflow doesn’t listed in Workflow –> Status view


You’ve created a new workflow with XML and import it to SCSM. But for some reason it doesn’t listed in Workflow –> Status view. Why?

Continue reading Why my workflow doesn’t listed in Workflow –> Status view

Error “System.ArgumentException: propertyName” raised when you try to use forms targeted to your custom class

Error “System.ArgumentException: propertyName” raised when you try to use forms targeted to your custom class published on 4 Comments on Error “System.ArgumentException: propertyName” raised when you try to use forms targeted to your custom class

You’ve created a new class based on any existing class and have added existing form (with or without modifications) for it. Then you was imported management pack to SCSM and have tried to use that form but console was crashed with exception. Error “System.ArgumentException: propertyName” was recorded in “Operations Manager” event log. Why this happened?

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List of images available in SCSM 2012

List of images available in SCSM 2012 published on 12 Comments on List of images available in SCSM 2012

When you create your own classes, views or folders sometime you need link existing images to them. To do that you must know ID or Name of the image. But all images located in several management pack so find them is not a easiest work. Near I provide full list of images available in SCSM 2012. This table contains image itself, size, id and name grouped by management pack.

Continue reading List of images available in SCSM 2012

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